Friday, January 25, 2019


by Timothy Reed

"hindsight is twenty-twenty"

but memory is a Cubist
that cannot record fact
without interpretation

Dali's clock melts for, of course,
time has lost its good name

Hindsight is something,
but the perfection of memory
has betrayed us.

the facade has fallen.
tidy Grecian lines
give way to tangled ink
fubsy, basal fingerprints

time, life, the mind
favor those who begin again


favors those who 
trust, trust, trust


by Timothy Reed

I am surveilled by
dour dames and dukes
(self-ascribed titles)
forever an alien -
societal, perpetual peasant
wondering when life 
was stripped of color,
and why thirst for these qualities
has made me a pariah

I will not beg monochrome bread.
Let me die an urchin
but a lover of life,
and spite that shell of mankind
entombed in pristine manors
dining on preserved dreams
(dry as bones)
and diluted, dishwasher tea


by Timothy Reed

to say we live is a farce.
we wait with borrowed breath
a stone's throw from Eden

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


by Timothy Reed

“Say what you’re thinking “
But how could I?
Now miles stretch long
and cliff-hands drag paths
Down, down, down

dead ends and detours. 
cliffs may as well be kings

Distance ever grows
Between head and heart
my mouth is a faraway moon

destinations are not always intended.

There. I said it.