Tuesday, November 27, 2018


by Timothy Reed

I have cast two shadows
below icy lamp and moon

one long, pale, weak

the other, short and strong
black as coal

my greatest hope - to be seen
my greatest fear - to be seen partially 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Noblesse Oblige

Noblesse Oblige
by Timothy Reed

the cold, crisp night is an old foe
that presses and presses

as dying men see life in stark relief
the stars come into focus
he has hacked the moon to a steel sliver
but his blade has not yet touched our veins 


the final meal
the final rites
the final requests
before the final breath

there is an autumnal noblesse oblige to it 
as he grants color to each leaf
'ere it is cast to a common grave

Sunday, November 4, 2018

What Time Does Not Heal

What Time Does Not Heal
by Tim Reed

last night, I dreamed of you
- it seemed so real
yet, I awoke to darkness
a lone castaway on this bed
sailing a thousand moonless nights

there is a famine not of food
there is a drought not of water
I am consumed inside-out
you have sailed past the horizon
your laugh is a dying star